A404/M40 Junction 4 Closure for Resurfacing

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Highways England will be resurfacing the roundabout at the A404/M40 Handy Cross Interchange.  The interchange and some approach roads  will be closed fully over the following three weekends and diversions will be in place.  For more details click here 9pm Friday 16 to 6am Monday 19 February 9pm Friday 23  to 6am Monday 26 February 9pm Friday 2 […] [Read full article…]

A416 Amersham Road Night Time Closure

Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Transport for Bucks (TfB) have announced that the A416 Amersham Road between Amersham and Chesham will be closed through Chesham Bois (Copperkins Road to Chiltern Road) between 7pm and 6am from Wed 12 September until Fri 21 September for road resurfacing works. Route 1 and 105 buses will be diverted after 7pm via Sycamore Road, Bois […] [Read full article…]

Amersham/Chesham Bois Parking Review Survey

Monday, December 9th, 2019

Your views are sought on the Proposed Parking Controls for Amersham and Chesham Bois. You can view the plans and complete the survey at https://democracy.buckscc.gov.uk/mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?ID=10570 Alternatively, you can complete the survey and view the plans at Amersham Temporary Library at the CDC offices or at Country Hall in Aylesbury. The survey closes on Tuesday 14th […] [Read full article…]

Bois Lane Closure due to Road Resurfacing from 9th April 2018

Monday, March 12th, 2018

Transport for Bucks will be carrying out resurfacing work on Bois Lane, between Woodside Avenue and the Railway Bridge.  This part of the road will be closed  from 9th April until 13th July 2018.   [Read full article…]

Copperkins Lane Clousure between 5th March & 1st June 2018

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Transport for Bucks have just announced that Copperkins Lane will be closed between Fulers Hill and Weedon Lane from 5th March and 1st June 2018 as they carry out roadworks.   [Read full article…]

Hollow Way Lane Road Closure 15 December 2017

Friday, December 8th, 2017

Transport for Bucks will be carrying out remedial road works on Hollow Way Lane, between Latimer Road and Bois Lane.  This part of the road will be closed  from 07:30 and 16:00hrs. [Read full article…]

It’s Pothole Season

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Bucks County Councillor Mark Shaw, Cabinet Member for Transportation, urges road users in Buckinghamshire to report potholes when they see them. Transport for Buckinghamshire will investigate every pothole reported to them, and react on a risk based prioritisation process – put simply, that means the worst ones will be attended to first, as a matter […] [Read full article…]

Latimer Road Closure

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

Latimer Road, between Blackwell Hall Lane and Bois Mill will be closed (access only) between 8pm and 5am for 5 days from 1st October as BT Openreach works takes place.  A diversion will be in place. [Read full article…]

New Common Footpath

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

Work has begun on the new footpath that connects North Road to the junction of South Road and the Amersham Road, via the cricket field. The footpath is used daily by schoolchildren and residents walking to Amersham and back. The woodland trail is often a muddy quagmire for much of the year, so the path […] [Read full article…]


Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

With the re-opening many shops and businesses on Monday 15 June, road traffic will increase and Buckinghamshire Council will reinstate all of the on-street parking restrictions that were relaxed on 27 March to give key workers easier access to essential services during the coronavirus crisis. Parking enforcement on single yellow lines, limited waiting areas, and […] [Read full article…]