Agreement on use of Common Land by Heatherton House School
Wednesday, January 12th, 2022Heatherton House School and Chesham Bois Parish Council announce licence issued to the school for use of Common Land for Forest School activity [Read full article…]
Ash Dieback
Monday, October 24th, 2016Regrettably, signs of ‘ash dieback’, also known as Chalara, have been identified in an area of the Common, where there are a large number of mature ash trees. The Council is working with the Chiltern Woodlands Project to try to prevent the spread of the fungus. [Read full article…]
Bee Hive on the Common
Thursday, June 22nd, 2017A large, mature ash tree on Chesham Bois Common was damaged during recent high winds. We arranged for the tree to be examined by an arboriculturalist, who identified significant rot. The examination also identified a bee hive about 20 feet up, in a hollow in the trunk. So, as the tree was being slowly felled on Monday, a […] [Read full article…]
Chiltern Local Plan Response
Friday, March 4th, 2016In our response to the Local Plan, we have registered our opposition specifically to the identification of a potential development site on the Parish boundary with Amersham, and to inclusion of Blackwell Stubbs Wood. [Read full article…]
Chilterns Survey
Thursday, January 4th, 2018The Chilterns Conservation Board have launched a survey on the Chilterns. They want to hear from local organisations and members of the public about what they value about the Chilterns, what their concerns are and what the priorities should be for the future. The survey will form part of their review of the Chilterns AONB Management Plan. The link […] [Read full article…]
Cleaning Bricky Pond
Tuesday, December 19th, 2023Part of CBPC’s long-term Management Plan to improve the public amenity of the Common and the woodlands, and to encourage biodiversity and wildlife. [Read full article…]
Common & Woodland Management Plan Consultation
Sunday, March 11th, 2018There was a good turnout for last week’s Common & Woodland consultation, despite the bitterly cold weather. Councillor Clive Thomas outlined the long-term Management Plan and took questions from local residents. Residents were given copies of the plan and maps detailing the areas requiring the various levels of work were displayed for everyone to examine. […] [Read full article…]
Common & Woodland Management Plan Public Consultation 28 Feb 18
Friday, February 16th, 2018Do you want to know more about the Chesham Bois Common & Woodlands Management Plan? Then please come along to the Public Consultation event at 7.30pm on Wednesday 28th February in the Parish Centre, Glebe Way HP6 5ND where there will be a presentation of the plan. A copy of the draft management plan and […] [Read full article…]
Common & Woodlands Management Plan
Wednesday, November 29th, 2017Management Plan for Chesham Bois Common and Woodlands At the turn of the last century you could see across the Common from North Road to South Road; there were a few trees and some gorse but mainly grass. When grazing stopped saplings could grow and gradually trees self-seeded and the wooded area expanded, particularly with […] [Read full article…]
New Common Footpath
Sunday, March 19th, 2017Work has begun on the new footpath that connects North Road to the junction of South Road and the Amersham Road, via the cricket field. The footpath is used daily by schoolchildren and residents walking to Amersham and back. The woodland trail is often a muddy quagmire for much of the year, so the path […] [Read full article…]