Monday 20 May 2019 at 8pm in the Parish Centre, Glebe Way HP6 5ND

This meeting is an opportunity for all electors of the Parish of Chesham Bois to ask questions of the Council and raise any issues relating to the Parish.

The Annual Account for the year ended 31st March 2019 will be presented as will the 2019 CBPC Annual Review.  A copy of the Agenda can be downloaded here.

We also have two speakers:

Fiona Everingham, Local Wildlife Site Surveyor at Bucks County Council who is going to talk about the Chalk Grassland at the Burial Ground; and

Robert Gibson who will talk about activities of the Chiltern Community Forum

Refreshments will also be available afterwards.   Everyone welcome.


Friday, May 3rd, 2019

The 2019 CBPC Annual Review will be delivered to every household in Chesham Bois during the week commencing 6th May.   The Review informs residents on the activities of the Parish Council over the past year.

The Annual Review together with the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2019 will be presented at the Chesham Bois Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 20th  May at 8pm in the Parish Centre. 

This will be followed by two presentations by:

Fiona Everingham, Local Wildlife Site Surveyor at Bucks County Council who is going to talk about the Chalk Grassland at the Burial Ground; and

Robert Gibson who will talk about activities of the Chiltern Community Forum.

Refreshments will also be available afterwards.


Buckinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet agreed a series of changes to the county’s Household Recycling Centre service in January 2019.

Key changes which start on 1 April 2019, are:

  • all sites will introduce charges for non-household waste
  • Aylesbury (Rabans Lane), Burnham, and Chesham household recycling centres will close 2 days a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Bledlow Household Recycling Centre will permanently close.

Click here for useful information, links and guidance on the upcoming changes.

The first of April will see the first major change to Buckinghamshire’s household recycling centres for a generation.

The County Council’s Cabinet made the decision in January to bring in the following changes to safeguard the future of the service against a backdrop of continually reduced funding and the need to protect other critical council services:

  • The sites at Aylesbury (Rabans Lane), Burnham and Chesham will close two days a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays (generally the less-busy days).
  • The site at Bledlow will close at the end of March, with the nearest alternative sites at Aston Clinton or High Heavens in Wycombe.
  • All sites will introduce charges for non-household waste items such as bags of rubble, kitchen units, fence panels etc. This brings us into line with many other authorities who charge for items that legally don’t have to be taken for free. Domestic and green waste won’t be charged for.

Details can be found online at


Friday, March 8th, 2019

All Together Community are starting a new project in Chesham Bois.   They will be holding a free lunch club, once a month on a Friday between 12 noon and 1.30pm  in Chesham Bois Scout Hall.

Older people (65 plus) are invited to come along enjoy lunch and then participate in activities with children from Chesham Bois School.

Contact Louise on 07956 190291 or email to let her know if you wish to attend or know someone that may wish to attend.