Thursday, April 11th, 2024

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Monday 22nd April at the Parish Centre.

Thank you to all residents who attended and to the Thames Valley Police, The Amersham Museum and The Chiltern Society for their interesting talks.

Monday, March 18th, 2024

A pair of glasses were found in the New Formal area of the Burial Ground over the weekend. If these are yours please contact the Clerk on 01494 432585 or


Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

Following advice from the arboriculturist engaged by the Parish Council to conduct regular inspection of trees,  two mature trees on the War Memorial ‘triangle,’ bordered by Bois Lane, Glebe Way and North Road, will unfortunately have to be felled in March 2024 because they have been reported to be affected by ash dieback disease. 

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

Chesham Bois Parish Council is pleased to announce that Karen Keen was co-opted to join the team as a new Parish Councillor at the Council Meeting held on 12th February.  Karen has lived in the local area for more than 20 years and brings a lot of valuable experience as well as enthusiasm to contribute to the work of the Council.

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Following a memorial safety survey, contractors from Amersham Town Council will be carrying out memorial safety works in the Burial Ground on 7th and 8th February. These works will not affect access to the Burial Ground for visitors.