Monday, December 2nd, 2024

The Planning Inspectorate has written to Buckinghamshire Council, as the Local Planning Authority, to propose that this planning appeal is considered by way of a Hearing, which would need to be arranged and funded by Buckinghamshire Council. However, the Case Officer acting for Buckinghamshire Council responded to the Planning Inspectorate on 29/11/24 and expressed their view that a Hearing would be  ‘unreasonable and unnecessary work and cost for all parties’, but for reasons that have previously been contested by interested parties. Copies of both letters are available on the Buckinghamshire Council planning portal.

Thursday, November 28th, 2024

We have been notified that a tree has fallen across the bridleway which runs up the hill next to the Burial Ground. In order to resolve this as soon as possible this issue has been reported to Buckinghamshire Council.

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

The Parish Council are delighted with the work that has been carried out to restore our Grade II listed war memorial. Our thanks go to Elliott Ryder Conservation for their excellent work. The refurbishment was completed in time for the annual Remembrance Service on Sunday 10th November. We have received lots of positive feedback from residents who are pleased the memorial is looking refreshed. A programme of maintenance will ensure that the memorial remains looking smart over the coming years.

Monday, November 4th, 2024

A debit card and a travel card have been found today close to the war memorial in Chesham Bois. If these items belong to you please contact the clerk,, or 01494 432585

Monday, October 28th, 2024

It has been noted that a trail-cam has been fixed to Parish Council property in the Burial Ground. If you are the owner of this equipment, please contact the Clerk to arrange for it to be removed. Tel: 01494 432585, or email

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Chesham Bois Parish Council will be holding the annual service of remembrance on Sunday 10th November at 11.45 am at the War Memorial. We hope to see many of you there.