Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

Beating the Bounds will take place on Rogation Sunday 14th May 2023 departing from the Parish Centre Car Park at 2pm. All are welcome, including dogs on leads for a guided walk of approximately 5 miles taking approximately 2 hours to trace the Parish boundary. The route contains stiles and Jacobs Ladder and is not suitable for pushchairs. Tea and cake will be available after the walk at the Parish Centre. This event is usually well supported and we look forward to seeing you there!

Beating the Bounds

Buckinghamshire Council wants to hear your views on its draft vision and objectives to guide future development and transport in Buckinghamshire.

The council is creating two long-term plans for what Buckinghamshire should be like in 2040 and how this can be achieved:

  • The Local Plan for Buckinghamshire – to shape and manage future development across Buckinghamshire.
  • Local Transport Plan 5 (LTP 5) – to set out the priorities for all types of transport across Buckinghamshire.

The draft vision and objectives have been developed from what people who work and live in Buckinghamshire have already told the council during a survey that ran from November 2021 to February 2022.

Peter Strachan, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, said:

“Our new local plan will identify areas suitable for development, whilst safeguarding those that require careful management.

“The plan will set out key requirements for new developments, encompassing an appropriate mix of housing, land allocation for employment opportunities, and the creation of vibrant living spaces, complete with shops and public areas.

“Furthermore, the plan will emphasise the importance of environmental protection by supporting wildlife, conserving scenic landscapes and historical sites, addressing flood risks and protecting the Green Belt.”

Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport, added:

“Planning and transport are closely connected, as the availability of accessible and reliable transportation plays a crucial role in the success of any new development. When planning new homes, shops, and places to work, it’s essential to ensure that they are well-connected to the existing road and public transport networks.

“In urban planning, creating communities that are designed for walking, cycling and wheeling are becoming increasingly important. This approach not only promotes physical activity and healthier lifestyles, but also reduces traffic congestion and air pollution.”

“By prioritising the integration of transportation planning with development planning, we can create vibrant and sustainable communities that meet the needs of both current and future generations.”

Find out more about The Local Plan for Buckinghamshire.

To have your say on the plans:

  • Complete the online survey
  • Complete and return a printed version of the survey (can be downloaded from the online survey page)
  • Email:
  • Write to: Vision and objectives consultation, Planning Policy, Buckinghamshire Council, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email or call 0300 131 6000.

Submissions need to be received by midnight on Sunday 4 June 2023.

To keep up to date with the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire, please register online.

Monday, April 17th, 2023

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 8 pm on Monday 24th April in the Parish Centre. All are welcome to come along and hear what the Parish Council has achieved over the past year. The meeting will be followed by talks from The Amersham Museum and The River Chess Association.

Tuesday, March 21st, 2023

Due to the success of the Village Fete in 2022, the Parish Council have a small profit which they would like to use to benefit the residents of Chesham Bois. Grant Applications are invited. The deadline for receipt of applications is 21st April 2023. Please contact the Clerk on 01494 432585 for further information. Application forms can be downloaded via the following link: CBPC GRANT APPLICATION FORM.pdf

Tuesday, January 24th, 2023

A planning application, (reference PL/22/4074/FA), has been submitted by agents of the Parochial Church Council of St. Leonard’s to develop the site of the current Rectory and Parish Centre on Glebe Way, nearby the Chesham Bois War Memorial.  A newsletter about the proposed development has been produced by the Parish Council to notify residents and seek the opinion of those who live in the parish. The newsletter will be distributed soon.  Watch out for your copy to arrive!

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

Chesham Bois Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor

The role of a Parish Councillor is to bring local issues to the attention of the Council and to help make decisions on behalf of the community. You will need to be able to attend monthly Parish Council meetings and spend extra time on areas of specialism or interest. Enthusiasm and commitment are more important than experience as training will be provided. You must be aged 18 or over and have lived or worked in the local community for the past year. Additional eligibility criteria apply and the position is unpaid.

If you are interested, please contact the Clerk on 01494 432585 or email to request an application form..