

The Parish Council plays an active part in all local planning issues. We are invited to comment on all applications submitted to Buckinghamshire Council; which is the planning authority.  We do not make the decision to accept or refuse applications, we are consultees, in the same way as residents of the parish are.

Chesham Bois Parish Council’s Planning Committee meet at 7.30pm on the second and fourth Monday of every month to consider all new planning applications for the parish.   These meetings are open to all residents who can speak in the public section at the start of the meeting.


Much of Chesham Bois is within a Conservation Area, which helps give its special nature. This is subject to more rigorous planning regulation and a map is attached below.

Map of Chesham Bois Conservation area

Search for Planning Applications

If you would like fuller details regarding an application, these are available on the Buckinghamshire Council web site.

Follow this link: and enter the reference number (eg PL/21/1086/FA) from the first column of the spreadsheet and then press ‘Search’.