Highways & Transport
The Parish Council’s prime role for highways and transport is as a statutory consultee for documents issued by Buckinghamshire Council and Central Government. The Parish Council’s only direct responsibility is for all street lighting in the Parish, except for those lights on the A416, which Buckinghamshire Council maintain.
The Parish Council tries to represent the views of residents about highways and transport matters to Buckinghamshire Council. We do this by having regular meetings with Buckinghamshire Council officers and keeping our Unitary Councillors aware of the problems and needs of the Parish. We also participate in special meetings and workshops organised by Buckinghamshire Council, respond to all consultations, and request Buckinghamshire Council to repair defects to the highways and undertake routine maintenance.
If you have an issue with potholes, blocked footpaths, broken streetlights or fly-tipping in your area? Use the FixMyStreet website ink below to report it and then monitor the follow-up. The website is helping to improve both communication and efficiency and proving to be beneficial for both residents and the Council which pays for the service: https://www.fixmystreet.buckscc.gov.uk/
Buckinghamshire Council is responsible for all the highways and footpaths in Chesham Bois, (and surrounding areas), except where signs designate them as private roads or paths. Buckinghamshire Council’s responsibilities include providing new facilities, maintaining highways and footpaths, cleaning and sweeping of all the highways and footpaths in the Parish and co-ordinating the activities of all the organisations that dig holes in our highways and footpaths.
- Buckinghamshire Council manages all “on street parking” and employs the parking enforcement attendants as well as “off street” car parks.
- Buckinghamshire Council also has significant responsibilities for the provision and coordination of all bus services in the area, including schools transport.
- www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-transport/ includes a lot of useful information about current and future work, policies, bus timetables, and systems for reporting defects to roads and footpaths. This is the best starting point to find out what is happening about highways and transport in Chesham Bois and the surrounding area.
Problems and defects with roads and footpaths can be reported direct to Buckinghamshire Council. This is best done, via the Road Works Centre on the Buckinghamshire Council website www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/transport-and-roads/report-a-highways-problem/
The Parish Council’s primary role in highways and transport is to press the case for improvements in our Parish.
The Parish Council is keen to hear your views on highways and transport issues and, in particular, any areas where you consider maintenance is required. The information you provide will serve to strengthen our own requests to Buckinghamshire Council for work to be carried out.
Please notify the Parish Clerk by e-mail, clerk@cheshamboispc.org.uk or by telephone, 01494 432585.
Chesham Bois is blessed with no fewer than five primary schools. Consequently, large numbers of children are walking to school and crossing roads during the week. Speeding drivers endanger the lives of children, so we are investigating several options, including more speed signs, the Community Speed Check scheme and Police involvement.
Most drivers are considerate and keep within the speed limits. However, our speed monitors show a minority drive at reckless speeds, at all times of the day.
In response to residents’ complaints about speeding in the Parish, the Council has acquired a mobile speeding sign, which records and displays vehicle speeds. The first location for the sign was North Road.
Recorded speeds in North Road for the initial 3 month period showed 69% of vehicles travelled past the sign below 30mph. However, 217 vehicles were recorded at more than 40mph, including one dangerous driver at 68mph. The following 3 months saw an improvement in recorded speeds.
We, therefore, believe that the speed signs are an effective tool in reducing speeding, as they make the driver aware of the speed they are travelling. The Council will monitor the speeding statistics at each location.
CBPC Transport Chair, David King,“I believe speed awareness plays a critical part in getting drivers to slow down and the investment in the sign is already starting to yield results.”
The Parish Council provides and operates all the street lighting in the Parish, except for the lighting on the A416, which is the responsibility of Bucks County Council.
A significant part of the ‘rates’ (Community Charge) paid by residents to the Parish Council is spent on street lighting. In round terms electricity and maintenance of the lights each cost approximately £2,000 every year. The electricity charge has, not surprisingly, increased considerably recently.
The Parish Council has therefore been pushing manufacturers hard to develop suitable LED lamps, which, if successful, will reduce electricity consumption by around 75%. We now have two such lights operational in Holloway Lane (one opposite the northern end of St. Leonard’s Road and the other at the end of Runrig Hill). The second of these was only installed in February 2012.
We are now evaluating their performance, and your views on them would be much appreciated. If the LED lights are successful the Parish Council is intending to develop a plan to replace all, or most of the lights in the Parish with LED lamps. We anticipate we will change the lamps to LED’s in batches, when the current lights need replacing. We are also investigating if grants are available for such a projects. Please let us know if you are aware of any sources of funding.
Chesham Bois Parish Council owns and maintains 65 streetlights around the parish. If you see a street light out, or is damaged or needing attention, then you can e-mail us using the table below:
- Clicking on a street name will reveal a list of the street lights in that road.
- Find the relevant street light and click on it.
- This will open a new e-mail message with the specific street light already named in the header.
Bois Lane
- 1 Bois Lane O/S Old School House Opp Glebe Way E-mail Report
- 2 Bois Lane O/S Sloe Cottage E-mail Report
- 3 Bois Lane Opp Anne's Corner & North Road E-mail Report
- 4 Bois Lane O/S 46/48 E-mail Report
- 5 Bois Lane O/S 35 E-mail Report
- 6 Bois Lane O/S 68 NB Buckinghamshire Council not CBPC Report to Buckinghamshire Council
- Bois Lane O/S NB Buckinghamshire Council not CBPC Report to Buckinghamshire Council
- Bois Lane O/S NB Buckinghamshire Council not CBPC Report to Buckinghamshire Council
- 7 Bois Lane O/S adj junction Green Lane NB Buckinghamshire Council not CBPC Report to Buckinghamshire Council
- 8 Bois Lane O/S 67A E-mail Report
- 9 Bois Lane Adj junction with Stubbs Wood E-mail Report
- 10 Bois Lane O/S 104 E-mail Report
- 11 Bois Lane O/S 106 "Innisfree" E-mail Report
- 12 Bois Lane O/S 112&114 E-mail Report
- 13 Bois Lane O/S 118 E-mail Report
- 14 Bois Lane O/S 126 opp High Bois Lane E-mail Report
- 15 Bois Lane O/S Chesham Bois School E-mail Report
- 16 Bois Lane Opp Pioneer Hall and sub station E-mail Report
- Bois Lane Next two lights before bridge NB Buckinghamshire Council not CBPC Report to Buckinghamshire Council
Bois Avenue
- 17 Bois Avenue Opp The Willows E-mail Report
Chiltern Road
- 18 Chiltern Road adj junction with Oakway E-mail Report
- 19 Chiltern Road adj junction with Winstone Close E-mail Report
Clifton Road
- 20 Clifton Road O/S 46 E-mail Report
- 21 Clifton Road Opp junction with Clifton Lawns E-mail Report
- 22 Clifton Road O/S 4 E-mail Report
Deep Acres
- 23 Deep Acres.O/S 13 (end cul de sac) E-mail Report
- 24 Deep Acres. O/S 8/10 E-mail Report
Glebe Way
- 25 Glebe Way O/S The Rectory E-mail Report
Green Lane
- 26 Green Lane Adj junction with Cheyne Close E-mail Report
- 27 Green Lane Opp junction with The Grove E-mail Report
Hollybush Lane
- Hollybush Lane 1st two lights (Nos 1&2) not CBPC, managed by Amersham TC E-mail Amersham TC
- 28 Hollybush Lane O/S 2 Madeley Close E-mail Report
- 29 Hollybush Lane O/S 3 E-mail Report
- 30 Hollybush Lane O/S 16 E-mail Report
- 31 Hollybush Lane O/S11 E-mail Report
- 32 Hollybush Lane E-mail Report
Madeley Close
- 33 Madeley Close O/S 13&15 E-mail Report
- 34 Madeley Close O/S 17&19 E-mail Report
Hollow Way Lane
- 35 Hollow Way Lane Opp Upper junction St Leonard's E-mail Report
- 36 Hollow Way Lane O/S 19/21 E-mail Report
- 37 Hollow Way Lane Adj junction Runrig Hill E-mail Report
- 38 Hollow Way Lane opp Lower junction St Leonard's E-mail Report
Long Park
- 39 Long Park Adj junction Long Park Close E-mail Report
- 40 Long Park Adj Hilbury Close E-mail Report
- 41 Long Park Adj The Woodlands E-mail Report
- 42 Long Park Opp junction with Green Lane E-mail Report
McDonald's Close
- 43 McDonalds Close Adj "Straithglass" E-mail Report
- 44 McDonalds Close O/S 9 E-mail Report
- 45 McDonalds Close O/S 4 E-mail Report
Milton Lawns
- 46 Milton Lawns Adj No 1 E-mail Report
- 47 Milton Lawns O/S 38/39 E-mail Report
- 48 Milton Lawns Adj No 11 7 & garages E-mail Report
North Road
- 49 North Road 100m from A416 E-mail Report
- 50 North Road Opp Fern Cottage E-mail Report
- 51 North Road Opp flats and 20m from bus stop E-mail Report
- 52 North Road Opp Long Park E-mail Report
- 53 North Road O/S "Killaspy" opp Pond E-mail Report
- 54 North Road O/S Manor Lodge E-mail Report
- 55 North Road Opp junction with Glebe Way E-mail Report
St Leonard's Road
- 56 St Leonard's Road O/S 2A E-mail Report
- 57 St Leonard's Road On grass opp 12 E-mail Report
- 58 St Leonard's Road O/S 57 E-mail Report
- 59 St Leonard's Road O/S 42&44 E-mail Report
- 60 St Leonard's Road O/S 75 E-mail Report
- 61 St Leonard's Road O/S 92 E-mail Report
The Farthings
- 62 The Farthings Opp 2 E-mail Report
- 63 The Farthings Opp 8 E-mail Report
Woodside Avenue
- 64 Woodside Avenue O/S 43 adj Milton Lawns E-mail Report
- 65 Woodside Avenue O/S 34 E-mail Report